RIAIMH Endorsement Application System

This is the Rhode Island version of EASy. If you are applying in another state, please be sure to select that state from the drop-down below.


Endorsement® Application System, it's EASy and UPDATED!

NEW HOME PAGE: see Endorsement Categories for aligned IMH-Competencies - click on COMPETENCY GUIDELINES.

Virtual Office Hours:  Tuesdays 12-1pm and Thursdays 11am-12pm
Join Zoom Meeting:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88912327278?pwd=MVdyakRmRHUxS0tvYjFmN1RqcFcwZz09

Submission: All Applications can be submitted anytime!

The Application review process takes 3-6 weeks from submission. The Endorsement Coordinator will keep you posted through email as to where you are in the process.

The MHM applicants need to take an exam to become Endorsed. All Exams are offered virtually thru the Alliance. Exams are scheduled monthly. Applicants chose the week & month that works best for them. https://riaimh.org/Endorsement-Exam-Prepping

Email questions to endorsement@riaimh.org

Alliance Logo

You are joining an international group of professionals who have chosen to earn the Endorsement credential as a way to demonstrate specialization in the infant-early childhood mental health field. Endorsement was developed by the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health in 2002 and is now used by 38 state IMH associations and 3 international associations. Each of those associations is a member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.

Through the Alliance, this means that your Endorsement is recognized in each of those 41 associations.